1091-PP-Stock Car Pouch Pan

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  • Regular price $529.99

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Pan Depth: 8”
Pan Capacity: 7 Quarts (6.6 Liters)
System Capacity: 8 Quarts (7.6 Liters)
Stroke Clearance: 4.125" (With Steel Rods, Check Crank Scraper Before Final Install)  

Description: Sportsman stock car pan on a flat bottom core with an angled power pouch to still drop into the metric chassis. 8" deep, 9 1/2" long, 13 1/4" wide sump. 4 gates, a diverter, scraper and a full windage tray. Pan Comes Standard with 1" Inspection Fitting Installed.

This pan requires a "Tilton Style" mini starter. Kevko #1099, MSD #5095, Tilton #54-40000, Quarter Master #114280, Stephenville #1001, Proform #66256, Powermaster #9400, Allstar #80520. There are many other starters, These are the most common.


Oil Pump/Pickup Tube Reference
 Pump Pickup Diameter Kevko Pickup Tube
M55, M55A, 10553ST 5/8 1007 ADD
M155, 10554ST 3/4 1007-3/4 ADD
M55HV, 10550ST 5/8 1008 ADD
M155HV, 10551ST ¾ 1008-3/4 ADD
10555ST, 10552ST ¾ Bolt On 1008-10555 ADD
M99HVS 3/4 1012 ADD

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M55 Standard Volume, Standard Pressure, 5/8" ADD
M55A Standard Volume, High Pressure, 5/8" ADD
M155 Standard Volume, Standard Pressure, 3/4" ADD
M55HV High Volume, Standard Pressure, 5/8" ADD
M155HV High Volume, Standard Pressure, 3/4" ADD
10550ST Performance-25% Increased Volume, High Pressure, Shark Tooth, 5/8" ADD
10551ST Performance-High Volume, High Pressure, Shark Tooth, 3/4" ADD
10552ST Performance-10% Increased Volume, High Pressure, Shark Tooth, 3/4" ADD
10553ST Performance-Stock Volume, High Pressure, Shark Tooth, 5/8" ADD
10554ST Performance-Stock Volume, High Pressure, Shark Tooth, 3/4" ADD
10555ST Performance-25% Increased Volume, High Pressure, Shark Tooth, 3/4" ADD


 Part # Application

Left Hand Dipstick – 2 Piece Rear Seal (1957-1979)


Left or Right Hand Dipstick – 2 Piece Rear Seal (1957-1985)

1818 Right Hand Dipstick - 2 Piece Rear Seal (1980-1985) ADD
OS34500R Right Hand Dipstick - 1 Piece Rear Seal (1986-Up) ADD

Miscellaneous Accessories

 Part # Description
K120 Oil Pan Bolt Kit ADD
K200 Oil Pan Support Rails (57-79 LH Dipstick) ADD
K125 High Pressure Oil Pump Spring ADD
DP-1 Drain Plug ADD
DP-1M Magnetic Drain Plug ADD
230-7002 ARP Oil Pump Stud ADD
IS-55E Melling Intermediate Oil Pump Drive Shaft ADD